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Harney County’s Most Wanted Weed List–Updated 

Posted on 04.10.23 by Harney SWCD

Harney County Weed Classification

Noxious weed for the purpose of this policy shall be rated “A”, “B”, or “C”.

“A” Pest– A weed of known economic importance known to occur in the county in small enough infestations to make eradication practicable or not known to occur, but it’s status in the surrounding counties makes future occurrence seem imminent.

*Species not yet known to occur in the county

Action: Infestations are subject to eradication where found with possible County assistance when
funds are available.

African ruePeganum harmala
Black HenbaneHyoscyamus niger
Diffuse knapweedCentaurea diffusa
Hoary AlyssumBerteroa incana
Leafy spurgeEuphorbia esula
Musk thistleCarduus nutans
Orange hawkweedHieracium aurantiacum
Pheasant eyeAdonis annua
Purple loosestrifeLythrum salicaria
Rush skeletonweedChondrilla juncea
Salt cedarTamarix ramosissima
Scotch broomCytisus scoparius
Spotted knapweedCentaurea maculosa
Squarrose knapweedCentaurea virgata
Tansy ragwortSenecio jacobaea
Yellow starthistleCentaurea solstitialis
Yellow toadflaxLinaria vulgaris

“B” Pest– A weed of known economic importance and of limited distribution in the county and is subject to
intensive control or eradication where feasible at the county level.
Action: Infestations are handled at County discretion with possible County assistance when funds
are available.

Dalmatian toadflaxLinaria dalmatica
HoundstongueCynoglossum officinale
Mediterranean sageSalvia aethiopis
Perennial pepperweedLepidium latifolium
Puncture vineTribulus terrestris
Russian knapweedAcroptilon repens
Scotch thistleOnopordum acanthium
Bull ThistleCirsium vulgare
Canada thistleCirsium arvense

“C” Pest- A weed of known economic importance and of general distribution that is subject to control,
intensive control, or eradication as local conditions warrant.
Action: Infestations handled at owner’s discretion.

HalogetonHalogeton spp.
Klamath weedHypericum perforatum
Medusahead ryeTaeniatherum caput-medusae
Morning gloryConvolvulus arvensis
White topCardaria draba